Kane and lynch 2 dog days ps3 split screen
Kane and lynch 2 dog days ps3 split screen

kane and lynch 2 dog days ps3 split screen

Then it's into the action, taking the role of Lynch this time around, who clearly has the most screws loose of the two. Beginning with a shot from the backseat of a car speeding down a highway, then flipping to scenes showing a virtual Shanghai in all its glory, the striking graphical effects set the scene perfectly. Keep still will ya, it's just a tetanus jab!įrom the get-go - and we're talking about the title screen, here - it's obvious that there's a different kind of visual treat in store for us one which is going to flip the prequel's bog-standard third person camera on its head. A few old problems rear their ugly heads, but overall this is a huge improvement over the original outing. A brilliant Handycam-style camera effect adds a hidden depth to the gruesomeness of it all, while the sequel retains the thrill of combat with which Kane & Lynch are accustomed. IO Interactive is looking to make amends as we delve once more into the hectic and brutal lives of our two favourite psychopaths with Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, and this time around it's definitely a journey worth experiencing. While the gritty storyline and simply hateful characters provided a wonderful backdrop for some delightfully gory shootouts, a distinct lack of variety in gameplay and an awfully short lifespan - not to mention the plethora of bugs and glitches present throughout play - made this particular release a rather flawed experience. This game is definitely for connoisseurs good crime stories.The original Kane & Lynch was one of the greatest missed opportunities the gaming world has ever seen. One word of caution though, there were comments from some of the gamers on the show floor that the shaky cam effect for extended periods of time might make you sick, but that may be part of the allure. You could imagine it as if Heat/Collateral/Breaking Bad were thrown in to produce one intense gaming experience. In the end it seems like a pretty intense multiplayer system which might be too complicated for most players, but the goal in Kane & Lynch 2 seems to be the game equivalent of any top grossing crime movie. Consequently if you opt to carry no loot, you will be eliminated from the team on the basis that you aren’t pulling your own weight. Except in this case everyone who dies comes back as a cop. Which can lead to multiplayer matches resembling the opening sequence of the Dark Knight. When you are in the middle of the heist you can be killed for the loot that you carry, the fewer players the bigger the reward. There are a lot of systems in place to alert players to someone who betrays the team and you might think that this means that you are all supposed to work together in one big happy criminal team, but that’s not what you are in for with fragile alliance. As an extra twist you can play as an undercover cop during the heist, which adds an extra level of difficulty- shoot a fellow cop and you are exposed to everyone but if someone catches you not pulling your own weight you are in an equally bad position so its all about timing when you are the undercover cop. Most of the scenarios for multiplayer allow you to take on the role of either robber or cop.

kane and lynch 2 dog days ps3 split screen

The in-game camera presents a shaky digital cam look similar to what you might get from shooting video in a dimly lit room with your cellphone adding to the “I’ve seen this fight on youtube before feel.” This time all of the action takes place in shanghai so you can see the occasional open air food market of street vendor, but there are no locations replicated from the real life Shanghai of today. The color scheme for KL2 is the washed out look that has become incredibly popular in fps games over the past couple of years. IO Interactive created their own game engine, impressively enough furniture is destructible and the once your character has been shot you immediately see the camera swing around to face your attacker, enabling you one last shot at taking him out while you pull yourself back into cover. You can play co-op or you can play a variety of multiplayer matches. Although the first game was released to luke-warm critical reception the newest looks to reinvent the well worn action shooter by adding a visceral amateur video look to the game and putting a lot of the focus on the multiplayer aspects. From IO Interactive (part of Square Enix) in Copenhagen, Denmark comes the sequel to Kane & Lynch.

Kane and lynch 2 dog days ps3 split screen